Police School

If you are interested in becoming a police officer, you have come to the right place - Police School. Demand for police officers is at an all-time high now, and opportunities abound for employment. Many local agencies offer stipends up front to complete their academies, and scholarships are available to private institutions. In addition, due to the shortage currently affecting police forces nationwide, many of the localities offer huge sign-up bonuses. Being a police officer is a rewarding way to contribute to society and enjoy financial advantages such as a great salary, excellent benefits, and strict limits on work hours. In short, it's a great career, but first you have to go to Police School!

News about Police Officers: The Occupational Outlook Handbook, provided by the U.S. Dept. of Labor says many are drawn to the nature of police work because of the appeal to work for one's community. Besides providing an outstanding service, men and women are attracted to the job because of the challenge and responsibility it entails. Compensation for police officers is good, with many receiving a pension post retirement and allowing early retirements when individuals are only forty or fifty years old.

Police School
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Police Schools
Jobs Overview
Patrol Officer
Police Detective
State Police Officer
Special Agent
School Police
Police Stetsons
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